Services for Employers

We aid students in their career search through:

  • job development
  • career exploration
  • related preparation

Employers are a valuable resource to the students. You have experience and knowledge of your industry! Students gain insight and experience through these invaluable connections.

Advertise Opportunities

Please read through the following guidelines: Employer Memorandum (

  • Full-Time Positions
  • Part-Time Positions
  • Summer/Seasonal Work
  • Internships/Co-op
  • Volunteer Work
  • Shadowing

Handshake is your go-to resource to post jobs, internships, events, and more. It is also the platform we use for virtual career and internship fairs!

All employers must register a profile on Handshake.

On-Campus Recruitment

Throughout the year, there are various opportunities for on-campus recruitment. Please contact Career Services about

  • lunch-time information sessions
  • first/second interviews

Internship/Career Fairs

In addition to individualized recruitment initiatives, we participate in regional consortium events. Some examples include:

  • Westmoreland Assists Native Talent (W.A.N.T. Job Expo)
  • Western PA Collegiate Job and Internship Fair (sponsored by WestPACS)
  • Pittsburgh Education Recruitment Consortium (P.E.R.C.) Education Job Fair.

How to Develop an Internship

Career Speakers & Student Networking Events

We work to coordinate activities for students and employers to discuss opportunities and career paths.  Please contact us about taking part in:

  • career information sessions
  • career panels
  • mock interviews


Important Articles about offering Internships